== Description ==
**JetFormBuilder — Dynamic Blocks Form Builder**
A functional yet easy-to-use Form Builder plugin lets you create, edit, and style advanced form types in the block editor (Gutenberg). No more supplementary drag-and-drop form builders. You can now use a one-stop interface to develop fully operative custom forms.
Form building is not about guesswork. Build the backend structure and style every form component at once. A layout you create in the editor will be the end result you get on the frontend.
- 18+ Form Field Blocks
- Multi-Column Layouts
- Custom HTML Addition
- Inline Fields Editing
- Free Styling Plugin

Requires at least: 6.0
Tested up to: 6.3.1
Requires PHP: 7.0
Stable tag: 3.1.6
Demo: https://jetformbuilder.com/
== Changelog ==
- FIX: Minor vulnerability in Update User action
- FIX: Invalid deletion of first element of repeater field
- FIX: Form doesn't go to top of each step in some cases
- FIX: Ignore the value 0 in the Select/Radio/Checkbox Fields
- FIX: Minor compatibility with language plugins