Integrate Joomla with Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Microsoft and many other social networks. JFBConnect is the complete social network integration suite for Joomla.
Add social networks to your Joomla site and you will increase interaction between visitors on your website, Facebook and other social networks. With JFBConnect, you can increase your social presence and organically grow your site.
- Bug Fix: Providers - Twitter OAuth2 apps fail to log in with Bad Request Token (jfbconnect-2420)
- Bug Fix: Core - Login Redirection does not redirect to non-default languages properly (jfbconnect-2434)
- Bug Fix: Language - Joomla 4 - Language prefix (jfbconnect-2170)
- Bug Fix: Core - Login/Register view - privacy and terms inconsistent styling from com_users (jfbconnect-2432)
- Bug Fix: Core - Login / Register view - form elements inconsistent with com_users (jfbconnect-2433)
- Bug Fix: Core - Login Register view should follow com_users captcha setting (jfbconnect-2422)
- Bug Fix: Language - Hungarian language missing language formatting strings (jfbconnect-2430)
- Bug Fix: Open Graph - Deprecated Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in openGraph.php (jfbconnect-2436)
- Bug Fix: Core - PHP 8 Deprecated: Function strftime() is deprecated (jfbconnect-2428)
- Bug Fix: Core - PHP 7 error for easytag str_ends_with (jfbconnect-2414)
- Bug Fix: Open Graph - PHP deprecation warning in Channels (jfbconnect-2425)
- Bug Fix: Open Graph - PHP deprecation warning for Open Graph plugin hasDefaultTags (jfbconnect-2424)
- Bug Fix: Channels - Channels - Error on edit channels if provider plugin is disabled (jfbconnect-2438)
- Bug Fix: Administration Area - Admin - Meta spacing (jfbconnect-2421, jfbconnect-2398)
- Bug Fix: Core - JED Checker compatibility (jfbconnect-2331)
- Enh: Core - Joomla 5 Support (jfbconnect-2427)
- Enh: Core - Upgrade Bootstrap 5.3.2 (jfbconnect-2417)
- Enh: Providers - Social login provider - image refresh for SVG and PNG (jfbconnect-2437)
- Enh: Providers - Google: Login in popup with Identity services (jfbconnect-2149)
- Enh: Login / Register view - add block button as option for Register and Login buttons (jfbconnect-2431)
- Enh: Core - Loginregister Register should be a button, not input to be consistent with com_users (jfbconnect-2426)
- Cleanup: Core - Remove Bootstrap2 support (jfbconnect-2440)