== Description ==
Premium Addons for the Kadence Theme.
** Header Addons **
* Account Icon with Dropdown/Modal (Login View, Logout View)
* Search Bar (AJAX)
* Contact Elements
* Widget area.
* Side Menu Toggle ( Widget Area )
* Divider
* Divider2
* Divider3
* Button2
* Button3
* Navigation3
* Navigation4
* Mobile Navigation2
== Installation ==
Install the plugin into the `/wp-content/plugins/` folder, and activate it. This plugin is an extension of Kadence Theme, you will be asked to install it if you do not have it installed already.
Requires at least: 6.2
Tested up to: 6.4
Stable tag: 1.0.16
Demo: https://kadence-theme.com/== v1.0.16 | 20th December 2023 ==
* Update: Key input obfuscate.