Kikote PRO's Location Picker At Checkout for WooCommerce empowers store owners to obtain precise location details without contacting customers separately for location information or directions.
Kikote PRO’s Location Picker At Checkout for WooCommerce empowers store owners to obtain precise location details without contacting customers separately for location information or directions. The Kikote PRO plugin efficiently saves time by enabling customers to choose their exact location on Google Maps during the WooCommerce checkout process. Additionally, deep integration ensures compatibility with the most popular WooCommerce Custom Checkout plugins.
Requires at least: 5.5
Requires PHP: 7.4
Tested up to: 6.4
Stable tag: 1.8.9
== Changelog ==
= v1.8.9 =
* [Fix] Plugin was unable to detect WooCommerce on multisite when WooCommerce is activated network wide.
* [Fix] Shipping method attached to Kikote would disappear on some multilingual websites due to "Free Shipping" text not being translatable.
* [Change PRO] When a customer is beyond a Shipping Workflow limit (example not in a region or beyond max shipping distance), Kikote will no longer only return local pickup methods, it will instead return all shipping methods that ARE NOT attached to the Shipping Workflow being used.
* [Change] Set plugin loading sequence.
* [Improvement] Allow HTML in map instructions area.
* [Info] Tested on WP 6.4.
* [Info] Tested on WC 8.2.
* [Dev] Updated Freemius SDK.
Docs: info:
WooCommerce Checkout Map - Location Picker & Google Address Autofill Plugin
Allow customers on your WooCommerce store to choose their delivery or pickup location on a Google map at checkout.