Features for store admin-
1. Store admin can easily monitor and manage list of vendors and can also manage seller accounts. Store admin has full control to view the list of sellers and manage them accordingly.
2. Store admin has the ownership for accepting or rejecting seller’s request for adding products. All registrations are forwarded to the store admin for approval. The store admin can approve/disapprove the requests.
3. Installing this plugin on your store allows the store owner to manage commissions for vendors. Provision for admin to manage individual commission rates for each seller. Admin can set percentage of commission globally for all sellers and can even put separate commission percentage individually on sellers.
4. The Ability for admin to view seller transactions and make its entry in admin panel for record purpose. Seller will also be able to view this record in his panel.
5. Simplified Prestashop interface for store owners to manage sellers, seller products, seller orders and commissions.
6. Admin can enable/disable feature a seller any time he wished to.
7. Store Owner can limit categories for the sellers. Sellers can only add products to the allowed categories. Different restrictions for categories can also be applied for different Sellers.
Features of Prestashop Multi Vendor MarketPlace for Sellers/Vendors-
1. The Seller can register from frontend as a normal buyer, by just choosing the 'Register as Seller' option on registration form.
2. Easy to use and highly intuitive seller profile page to provide access to their profile from the front side of your store.
3. Sellers can manage their account, seller profile, products and order easily from the simple yet rich seller panel.
4. Sellers can add their products with quantity and price. All the product data is managed by seller only.
5. No backend login for sellers, it means seller can manage all the activity via frontend of the store only. Same login page for seller and buyer.
6. Sellers get a quick access to track sales information that includes- average revenue per order statistics and items sold in the form of easy to understand graphs. This report gives detailed information to the seller about their orders and earnings.
7. An easy to understand interface for sellers where they can view their report, income, revenue per order and items sold in their account.
8. Separate Seller Account pages, like a micro-site.
9. Seller can add a shop banner, shop logo and custom HTML content that will be displayed on Seller Page to the customers on the front end.
10. Multiple category selection while adding a new product or editing a perviously saved product.
11.Option to add Special Price for any product with 'Special Price From' and 'Special Price To' dates.
12.Product enable, disable and delete bulk actions on seller products page in the Seller Panel.
13. Interactive Seller Transactions Transactions Report in seller panel.
14. Feature for sellers to enter Social URLs for enabling the social links on Seller's Page.
15. Category and Sub-Category request from the seller panel.
1. Store admin can easily monitor and manage list of vendors and can also manage seller accounts. Store admin has full control to view the list of sellers and manage them accordingly.
2. Store admin has the ownership for accepting or rejecting seller’s request for adding products. All registrations are forwarded to the store admin for approval. The store admin can approve/disapprove the requests.
3. Installing this plugin on your store allows the store owner to manage commissions for vendors. Provision for admin to manage individual commission rates for each seller. Admin can set percentage of commission globally for all sellers and can even put separate commission percentage individually on sellers.
4. The Ability for admin to view seller transactions and make its entry in admin panel for record purpose. Seller will also be able to view this record in his panel.
5. Simplified Prestashop interface for store owners to manage sellers, seller products, seller orders and commissions.
6. Admin can enable/disable feature a seller any time he wished to.
7. Store Owner can limit categories for the sellers. Sellers can only add products to the allowed categories. Different restrictions for categories can also be applied for different Sellers.
Features of Prestashop Multi Vendor MarketPlace for Sellers/Vendors-
1. The Seller can register from frontend as a normal buyer, by just choosing the 'Register as Seller' option on registration form.
2. Easy to use and highly intuitive seller profile page to provide access to their profile from the front side of your store.
3. Sellers can manage their account, seller profile, products and order easily from the simple yet rich seller panel.
4. Sellers can add their products with quantity and price. All the product data is managed by seller only.
5. No backend login for sellers, it means seller can manage all the activity via frontend of the store only. Same login page for seller and buyer.
6. Sellers get a quick access to track sales information that includes- average revenue per order statistics and items sold in the form of easy to understand graphs. This report gives detailed information to the seller about their orders and earnings.
7. An easy to understand interface for sellers where they can view their report, income, revenue per order and items sold in their account.
8. Separate Seller Account pages, like a micro-site.
9. Seller can add a shop banner, shop logo and custom HTML content that will be displayed on Seller Page to the customers on the front end.
10. Multiple category selection while adding a new product or editing a perviously saved product.
11.Option to add Special Price for any product with 'Special Price From' and 'Special Price To' dates.
12.Product enable, disable and delete bulk actions on seller products page in the Seller Panel.
13. Interactive Seller Transactions Transactions Report in seller panel.
14. Feature for sellers to enter Social URLs for enabling the social links on Seller's Page.
15. Category and Sub-Category request from the seller panel.