3.8.1 (released 7.11.2022)
Features- Full compatibility with Magento 2.4.5
- Added possibility to assign customer group to customers using the customer group name with “Customers Main” entity. The following fields have been added to the “Customers Main” export and import: _customer_group_code (name of the customer group), _tax_class_name (name of the tax assigned to the customer group), _tax_class_id (ID of the tax assigned to the customer group). The customer group can only be created if the tax class specified already exists at the store.
- Added ability to use auto-increment for order increment_id. Meaning that if you do not have an increment_id – it will be generated and assigned automatically. Useful when importing orders from your CRM or ERP, or integrating with a marketplace.
- Added feature “Update Products that are not in the import list” for product import. Which allows to set products inside your catalog, which are missing from the imported file as: out of stock, quantity=0, out of stock with quantity=0, disabled.
- Added system events for import and export jobs which can be used as hooks during the integration.
- Fixed issue with importing downloadable product links
- Fixed issue when the email notification on the failed job would not trigger
- Fixed issue with importing product with ‘only update’ behavior with ‘Undefined index:sku’ exception
- Fixed issue with importing YouTube/Vimeo videos a for a specific store view, when video data is not displayed for the default store view
- Fixed issue with importing categories with the incorrect type of the “path” column
- Fixed issue with filtering orders by invoice dates when exporting orders
- Fixed issue with updating a category path when importing categories
- Fixed issue with copying relates_skus, crossell_skus and upsell_skus from a simple product to a configurable product when ‘Custom logic for creation of configurable products’ is enabled
- Fixed issue with copying category ids from a simple product to a configurable product when ‘Custom logic for creation of configurable products’ is enabled
- Fixed issue with exporting orders, when an increment_id is specified for each row
- Fixed issue with importing products with custom options
- Fixed issue with updating a category path when importing categories when path has invalid value
- Fixed issue where patches were not being applied
- Fixed issue with URL rewrite generator for the configurable product
- Fixed issue with incorrect category name in an export file after moving the category
- Fixed issue with updating a salable qty when importing products