Marketplace Builder is the best PrestaShop marketplace module (PrestaShop multi-vendor module) to convert your online store into a marketplace so that multiple sellers can list their products on your marketplace and in exchange you can charge a fixed percentage fee amount for every single order they get or require sellers to pay a membership fee (monthly fee, yearly fee, one-time fee, etc.)
Benefits for sellers
Full-managed PrestaShop marketplace for sellers, a seller is provided with every feature they need on their seller account to run a successful business such as:
Easy and quick to list products, allow sellers to sell all types of products such as physical products, virtual products, digital products, downloadable files, services, etc.
Automated order fulfillment system (manage order , shipping, auto emails, etc.);
Easy to manage seller fees and commissions, and manage invoices;
Global and self–created objects: sellers can use the store’s global items such as attributes and features, brands and carriers, or sellers can create their items;
Shipping mode: allow customers to select a global carrier for all products in their shopping cart or select a separate carrier for the products belonging to a specific shop;
Shop managers (staff): sellers can assign shop management privileges to their staff and enable staff to manage a shop;
Easy to communicate with customers through a convenient message system;
Seller can withdraw their balance to their bank account, PayPal, Skrill, pay for orders, or convert the balance into voucher codes;
Sellers can change shop status to “vacation mode” when they want to temporarily close their shop;
Statistics dashboard;
And many more useful features;
Benefits for you (marketplace admin)
Earn commission whenever a product is purchased successfully. You can charge sellers a monthly fee, quarterly fee, yearly fee, or one-time fee. This module has a flexible commission rate setting, you can set up commission rates by seller levels, by product categories, and by the separate shop.
Our PrestaShop marketplace module gives you the ultimate control of your marketplace: you can manage sellers, seller products, seller orders, seller commissions, withdrawal requests, etc.
Seller level and badges: you can add different seller levels and set up a specific commission rate and membership fee for each level. Sellers will be automatically put into a level when their shop satisfies specific conditions. Sellers will also earn a reward badge when they enter a new level.
Detailed statistic charts and helpful information on the dashboard: provide an overview of your marketplace’s activities.
Easy for customization, works perfectly with any PrestaShop themes, even the custom ones!
Version 3.7.1
Module improvements