= 6.3.4 (2022/04/29) =
* Fix: Issue with Elementor.
* Fix: Issue with JetEngine.
* Add: Support for ACF Photo Gallery.
* Info: New plugin the the family! It is simply called Database Cleaner, and it aims to be... the best Database Cleaner! You can find it [here](https://wordpress.org/plugins/database-cleaner).
* Info: I am working hard on Media Cleaner. If you want to give me some love and motivation, write a simple and nice review [here](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/media-cleaner/reviews/?rate=5#new-post). Thank you so much!
* Fix: Issue with Elementor.
* Fix: Issue with JetEngine.
* Add: Support for ACF Photo Gallery.
* Info: New plugin the the family! It is simply called Database Cleaner, and it aims to be... the best Database Cleaner! You can find it [here](https://wordpress.org/plugins/database-cleaner).
* Info: I am working hard on Media Cleaner. If you want to give me some love and motivation, write a simple and nice review [here](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/media-cleaner/reviews/?rate=5#new-post). Thank you so much!