== Description ==
Database Cleaner, rich in features and adept at managing substantial databases, is the culmination of extensive experience from related plugins and compatibility with the latest WP and PHP versions. Its user-friendly interface makes navigation and precision adjustments a breeze. For extensive tasks, Database Cleaner employs asynchronous requests for gradual, stable processing, reducing errors and timeouts. Discover more at [Database Cleaner](https://meowapps.com/database-cleaner/).
== Installation ==
1. Upload the plugin to WordPress.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Go to Meow Apps -> Database Cleaner in the sidebar and check the appropriate options.
4. Click on the button to clean your database automatically.
Tested up to: 6.4
Requires PHP: 7.4
Stable tag: 1.0.3
== Changelog ==
= v1.0.3 (2024/01/20) =
* Fix: Deleting tables in bulk.
* Update: Better plugins support.
* Updated: UI Enhancements.
info: https://meowapps.com/