XenForo is built to be the most extensible and flexible community software ever. The Metro style fully supports the following XenForo features:
- Semantic HTML
- Spam-protection
- Seo-optimized
- Xml sitemap
- Custom pages
- Extended multiquotes
- Share buttons
- Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus integration
- Google Analytics integrated
- Resource manager
- Censoring
- Importer from other forums cms’s
- Hundreds of add-ons
- and much, much more XenForo features…
Compatiblity: For XenForo v.1.x, v.2.0.x, v.2.1.x, v.2.2.x
Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/metro-xenforo-responsive-retina-ready-theme/9222720-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
XenForo Updates - 06/11/2021
- Xenforo 2.2.7 support added