THanksss sir like u a lot
GrandeeeeReCaptcha is the most widely used CAPTCHA provider in the world and knows when it should be difficult to keep the crashes broken. We are carefully integrated into this module the main features of reCaptcha as follows:
Customized Activation Zone (Contact Form, Feedback Form, Pre-Login Form, Registration Form, Reset Password Form, Comment Form and Newsletter Form)
Incredibly simple settings for quick setup without changing code
Ability to show ReCaptcha after failed customer login attempts
reCaptcha version customization (reCaptcha V2 and Invisible reCaptcha)
Set up reCaptcha theme (light and dark)
Option to manually select language
Supports multilingual
Option to choose size (Normal and Compact)
Edit the Whitelist multi-language support message
Hide Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) for the whitelisted IP addresses
Detailed step-by-step documentation
Multishop supports
Module already translated into English, German, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, French, Russian, Dutch, Korean, Bulgarian, Finnish, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Turkish and Romanian
Responsive design (format valid for all types of mobile devices)
really useful!!Thank you for sharing...
Is compatible with versions ??ReCaptcha is the most widely used CAPTCHA provider in the world and knows when it should be difficult to keep the crashes broken. We are carefully integrated into this module the main features of reCaptcha as follows:
Customized Activation Zone (Contact Form, Feedback Form, Pre-Login Form, Registration Form, Reset Password Form, Comment Form and Newsletter Form)
Incredibly simple settings for quick setup without changing code
Ability to show ReCaptcha after failed customer login attempts
reCaptcha version customization (reCaptcha V2 and Invisible reCaptcha)
Set up reCaptcha theme (light and dark)
Option to manually select language
Supports multilingual
Option to choose size (Normal and Compact)
Edit the Whitelist multi-language support message
Hide Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) for the whitelisted IP addresses
Detailed step-by-step documentation
Multishop supports
Module already translated into English, German, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, French, Russian, Dutch, Korean, Bulgarian, Finnish, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Turkish and Romanian
Responsive design (format valid for all types of mobile devices)