- Display a live countdown timer for products on discount (specific prices with expiry dates or catalog price rules)
- Options to choose where to display the timers; search, category, homepages as well as the product detail page
- 'Remind me' feature allows the customer to choose to be reminded about the discount a certain number of days before the discount expires
- Easy to customise the appearance of the countdown timer from within the module configuration, no need to edit stylesheets / css,
- Modern, arty looking countdown timer and remind me pop up form
- Easy to install
- Supports Multi shop stores
- Supports Multi Language stores (includes a in-module translation tool for easy editing of text)
- Fix issue on certain themes
- reload counters when switching page in product list dor_organick1 theme
- reposition counters when switching pages in product lists
- Replace ajax.php with ajax controller
- Replace cron.php with cron controller