Display and export a lot of useful information to help you better manage your shop
32 statistics :
Ability to be warned automatically by email in case of low stock level alerts.
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Lo nuevo en la versión 4.5.0(20/05/2022)
32 statistics :
- Total sales
- Total categories sales
- Total products sales
- Total combinations sales
- Total countries sales
- Total manufacturers sales
- Total payment methods sales
- Compare total sales
- Compare total categories sales
- Compare total products sales
- Compare total combinations sales
- Compare total countries sales
- Compare total manufacturers sales
- Compare total payment methods sales
- Products
- Products with combinations out of stock
- Product with combinations without enough stock
- Combinations
- Unsold combinations with stock
- Categories
- Orders
- Duration statuses
- Carriers
- Manufacturers
- Customers
- Customers single order amount
- Customers orders amount
- Customers products
- Customers orders details
- Cartrules
- Comparison of last 3 years sales on dashboard
- Comparison of last 3 years orders on dashboard
Ability to be warned automatically by email in case of low stock level alerts.
Leer menos
Lo nuevo en la versión 4.5.0(20/05/2022)
- Add new columns to Cart rules tab
NtStats, powerful and useful statistics
Statistics on sales, products, combinations, categories, carriers, countries, customers, discounts, stocks...Easy evolution understanding with charts on dataCompare 2 period of salesExport everything to Excel and CSVEasy and fast