Multiple Features allows you to assign multiple values of features to your products and to sort them. Import them directly from the PrestaShop native tool via a CSV file.Description
Add features without limit!With "Multiple Features", for the same product and the same feature, you have the possibility to assign very quickly as many values as necessary and to sort them, which PrestaShop does not allow natively.
You can therefore easily enrich the description of your products. In addition, you can choose the character to be displayed between the values of the same feature.
If you also use our "Advanced Search 5" search by filters module ( or its Pro version (, you further increase the search relevance in your catalog.
Our module is also compatible with the PrestaShop faceted search native module.
Import your features and their multiple values in bulk action!
Use the PrestaShop native CSV import tool to assign in bulk, and in a specific order, feature values to your products.
In your "Products" CSV import file, use the "Feature(Name:Value
Example: Separator used: |
Material:Yellow gold|White gold,Type of gemstone
Simplify site search
Improve catalog management
- Unlimited adding of feature values to your products
- Possibility to sort the characteristic values for each of your products
- Choice of character to be displayed on your site between the values of the same product feature
- Easy to use feature management interface even for large catalogs
- Uses the native CSV import tool of PrestaShop
- Choice of character used to separate the feature values in the CSV file to be imported
- No override
- Compatible with our "Advanced Search 5" search by filters module and with its Pro version (filters and faceted navigation)
- Compatible with the search by filters native module of PrestaShop ("Faceted Search")
- Compatible with the back office time-saving application "Store Commander" and "Merlin Backoffice" (ex "PrestaPricing")
What's New
Last update on April 2024, written in English by the developer when submitting new versions- - Bugfix: fix a case where combining classic and custom feature values on a product would lead to an error when using the new product page