One Plugin, Many Superpowers
Turn your ideas into incredible digital experiences. The most powerful design toolbox to create your next slider, block, page and carousel.Built for Versatility
Create anything from simple image to complex full page slideshows, video and even animated layer sliders.Superior Performance
Build sliders that load faster, and rank higher in search results. Advanced image, script and SEO optimization.Start with a Block
Blocks comes with all the features you need to build an amazing hero section. Make an outstanding first impression!Animations & Effects
Attractive effects like Ken Burns, Particle, or Parallax. Add visual punch to your blocks easily with animations.Astonishing Carousels
Showcase your testimonials, products or posts. Unlike normal sliders, carousels show multiple slides at the same time.Dynamic Content
Generate sliders from external sources. WordPress posts, Joomla articles, WooCommerce products and 32 others.Info:
Changelog - 2023. 06. 09
- Feature: Google font list got updated.
- Feature: Norwegian language update.
- Fix: Jetpack conflict could cause 500 Internal Server Error, or PHP error message appear.
- Fix: When multiple background videos are used in one slider and vertical main animation is used, scrolling away stops the not-active videos.
- Removed: JetPack Photon image optimizer option got deprecated, because it creates too many possible issues. - 2023. 05. 18.
- Fix: Block themes only display shortcodes instead of sliders in WordPress 6.2.1.
- Fix: Beaver Builder row duplication issue, when Smart Slider is in the row. - 2023. 05. 09.
- Feature: Database managing codes got updated.
- Feature: Norwegian translation.
- Feature: Hebrew translation.
- Feature: Joomla articles generator code updated to avoid input setting caused errors.
- Fix: Gutenberg plugin conflict.
- Fix: PHP8.2.4+ compatibility code.
- Fix: Image layer alt tag and title was encoded twice.
- Fix: Show editor icon option did not work in Text Editor mode.
- Fix: Some database column length limitations got increased.
- Fix: Meta (FB, Instagram) image files don't always have the extension, which is indicated in their filenames. This caused issues with the Resize and Convert to webp options. - 2023. 02. 15.
- Feature: PHP 8.2 compatibility.
- Feature: Options for lightboxed videos.
- Feature: Analyze & Repair option for Joomla, to handle database issues.
- Fix: Touch JS codes won't affect one slide sliders, for better scrolling experience.
- Fix: Shortcode sanitization to strengthen security.
- Fix: Run Joomla update codes, even if you don't enter Smart Slider's dashboard.
- Fix: Downgraded Smart Sliders create a database error, which made the latest Smart Slider not work either.
- Other: Spanish translation update. Thanks Rodrigo!