This is version 1.3.34.... for info here are the change logs. It is not the latest but almost!
1.3.41: * Added the danish translation
* Move the search block to the right
* Fixed cost calculation error in B2B and modified PS_PRICE_DISPLAY_PRECISION.
* Added a switch to the configuration to display the search field
* Added updating the totals after discount operations
* Replacing the button handler with a regular GET
* First adaptation of the module to a new order page
* Added growl messages after saving the order
* Added the delete button (and event handler) when the product was just added to the list
1.3.34: * Fixed writing off quantities when adding products
* Added orders search block
* Fixed the total order calculating when `PS_ROUND_TYPE` = 1
* Fixed searching orders block
* Added the placeholder description to the field
* Fixed the success message container for the discount remove operation
* Fixed saving invoice and delivery dates