
Orders Export PRO (Excel, CSV, XML, PDF)
Easily export your orders with details to Excel, CSV, XML & PDF files. Benefit from the advanced filters. You can automate the process by CRON and receive the export file by email, or FTP to URL/folder/path.
- You can select type of the document to export (i.e. Excel, CSV, XML & PDF).
- Export your data in any language installed on your back office.
- Sort your data by any column defined for the export file.
- Customize date & time format, decimal separator and round fractional part to a number of digits.
- Filter your orders by date, customer, order state, payment type, carrier, product manufacturer, supplier, currency and shop.
- Get data about order, products (also their images and images of their attributes), payments, customers, carriers, addresses, product manufacturer, supplier, shops related to that order.
- Save your configuration, so you will not need to re-configure export settings for future exports.
- Receive an email with an attachment, or file in FTP which shows you the order details when a new order is placed.
- Set a CRON job. Receive an email with an attachment or file in FTP regularly which will contain the orders by simply setting CRON job.
- Possibility to export only not exported orders.
- Send the order details to FTP when a new order is placed.