Osclass it is open source classifieds script like WordPress, Joomla. If you didnt now wordpress is something like father of osclass.
Code core was changed and from here something new. You can use everything 100% from internet on to your website. Everything you fiind free or with fee (a copy like from this site) you can use becouse nobody can say is under licences because even from site like osclasspoint, reckons, easyosclass or other nothing is not original. They are using code from wordpress which are free. Yes are some good idee, code was change for osclass but nothing more.
Code core was changed and from here something new. You can use everything 100% from internet on to your website. Everything you fiind free or with fee (a copy like from this site) you can use becouse nobody can say is under licences because even from site like osclasspoint, reckons, easyosclass or other nothing is not original. They are using code from wordpress which are free. Yes are some good idee, code was change for osclass but nothing more.