Osclass messages plugin Ultimate Messaging - powerful plugin for personal messages in Osclass classified script.
Rich functionality will allow you to configure various options, antispam and keep statistics.
1. Enable messages
2. Replace the Item contact form.
Messages from the form will come in personal on the site, and not just sent to the author's e-mail as default.
3. Embed a separate button on the item page to send messages to author.
4. Ad link to User menu in messages area.
5. Allow users to delete messages.
6. Allow to mark as unread.
7. Enable the widget for the site. The widget can be displayed in the bottom right corner of authorized users or you can embed the menu in the Header menu ( For Header menu - code adding is required in theme header.php)
It will show the number of unread messages and a link to the transition to them. For the side widget, you can adjust the font size, colors.
For the widget in the Header menu, you can adjust only the font color.
8. Attachments
- include use
- set valid file types
- adjust the maximum file size
- maximum number of files
- set the width of the thumbnail
- turn on send an e-mail about a new dialogue
- send an e-mail about a new message
- notify only once or not
- notify administrator of anti-spam
- notify the administrator of a new petition
- Enable
- Sending a message to the user if it is blocked by antispam protection
- Sending a message to the user that the recipient has entered it in the black list
- Warning that the item has been removed from the site
- Enable the use of blacklists
- Enable antispam protection
- Specify the number of complaints to the user, after which he will be blocked
If the user has been blocked by the anti-spam protection, then he can submit a petition to the administrator one time with the request to unblock him. The administrator can unlock it at his discretion. The second time the user will be blocked for always and will not be able to write private messages. The user is blocked only in the plugin and loses the ability to write messages
13. Log messages
The administrator can view messages from the admin panel
14. Statistics
The plugin has convenient statistics with graphs on messages, locks.
Compatible with original Osclass 3.5.0 - 3.8.1 , Osclass Evolution 4.1.0 - 4.x.x (latest)
Demo: https://test.osclass-pro.com/