Pharmacare is a pharmacy software which is responsive Modern design for any kind of pharmacy. This pharmacy software is actually used for pharmacy data management.
Demo links :
Super admin : https://pharmacaredemo.bdtask-demo.com/pharmacare-9.4_demo
This pharmacy management system software is developed by PHP and Codeigniter framework. It is designed and developed for pharmacy, medicine store, departmental store and medicine shop. Handle all of your pharmacy data easily. Here you can handle all of your pharmacy account management, invoice create, user and data analysis, stock management, store management, purchase history, income history, pos and many more.
Login Details :
Admin User : test@test.com Password : 123456
User : user@gmail.com Password : 123456
Main Features :
- Customer Management Module
- Supply & Purchase Module
- One Click Installation
- Inventory Module
- Easy Invoicing System
- Financial Module
- Product Management Module
- Fresh and Clean Code
- Daily, Monthly, Yearly Sales, Profit and Expense Report
- Due Payment Management
- Choose Any Currency
- Medicine, Drugs, Customers, Employees, Clients, supplier and Users management
- POS (Point of Sale) management
- Search Medicine, Customer, Purchase, Invoices by Its First Letter
- Sales Graph
- Print Invoices
- Generate Report By Date Range and Many More.
Info: https://codecanyon.net/item/pharmacare-pharmacy-software-made-easy/19756926