Gracias por compartir, vamos a ver que tal funcionaSocial Login provides quick user access through 30+ social networks, including Google, Facebook, Tiktok, X, and Amazon. It's simple, stable, and up-to-date with API updates.
Gracias por compartir, vamos a ver que tal funcionaSocial Login provides quick user access through 30+ social networks, including Google, Facebook, Tiktok, X, and Amazon. It's simple, stable, and up-to-date with API updates.
Ck teşekkürler çok sağolun harika bir modülSosyal Giriş, Google, Facebook, Tiktok, X ve Amazon dahil olmak üzere 30'dan fazla sosyal ağ üzerinden hızlı kullanıcı erişimi sağlar. Basit, istikrarlı ve API güncellemeleriyle günceldir.
+ ATTENTION there is a TROJAN. ...................................ATTENTION there is a TROJAN.
This file has been modified: /classes/index.php
Replace it with any other clean index.php from another folder.
Then modify the file ets_sociallogin.php
Remove the Installation() function following the same instructions I wrote here:
Beware of modules posted by Spasoo