Check and verify that the client's DNI/NIF/NIE/CIF identification number is valid. Official validation through the AEAT API. Avoid recording false customer identification numbers on invoices. Validate the customer record.
What happens if there are customers in your store who do not reside in Spain and want to make the purchase indicating their foreign identification number?
The module has the option of being able to choose the countries to carry out the validation of the identification numbers. In this way, customers from other countries can be allowed to register by entering their tax identification numbers different from those of Spain.
Check and verify that the client's DNI/NIF/NIE/CIF identification number is valid. Official validation through the AEAT API. Avoid recording false customer identification numbers on invoices. Validate the customer record.
VAT Digital Toolkit for Latin America and the Caribbean
VAT withholding agent:
In many countries of Latin America, there are specific transactions where
the liability for payment of VAT is shifted (partially or totally) from the supplier
to the recipient of the goods or services. In these cases, instead of paying
the corresponding VAT to the supplier, the recipient withholds the VAT and
pays it to the Tax Authorities. Where this is applicable, the recipient is usually
referred to as VAT withholding agent. These and other transactions where VAT
withholding is applicable are described in the VAT Withholding Regimes section
of each country chapter, where applicable.