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Thanks so muchA little trick to make your life easy...
One think that's always annoy me, is the copyright/advertisment mention at the footer of each email.
This is how to remove properly the Ecommerce software by Prestashop at the bottom of the pages, once and for all!
Go to themes\classic\templates\_partial and open the file footer.tpl with NotePad++
At the end of the footer.tpl (around line 44) you will see this block:
Code:<div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <p class="text-sm-center"> {block name='copyright_link'} <a class="_blank" href="http://www.prestashop.com" target="_blank"> {l s='%copyright% %year% - Ecommerce software by %prestashop%' sprintf=['%prestashop%' => 'PrestaShop™', '%year%' => 'Y'|date, '%copyright%' => '©'] d='Shop.Theme.Global'} </a> {/block} </p> </div> </div>
Did you notice, the 4 Prestashop?
Just replace them by the name of your website, like this:
Code:<a class="_blank" href="http://www.MYWEBSITE.com" target="_blank"> {l s='%copyright% %year% - Ecommerce software by %MYWEBSITE%' sprintf=['%MYWEBSITE%' => 'MYWEBSITE™', '%year%' => 'Y'|date, '%copyright%' => '©'] d='Shop.Theme.Global'} </a>
Save your file, and it's done. It was simple, no?
Now ALL (did you notice the caps?) yours mails will have your website copyright mention instead of the Prestashop copyright mention
Of course you can replace this copyright part by anything else, like this for exemple:
Code:<div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <p class="text-sm-center"> Please do not reply to this email from your email, as messages received at this email address are not read. For a quick response to your question, sign in to your account and click on the 'Contact Us' link (at the bottom of any page). </p> </div> </div>
... or any special announcement (closed dates for holidays or inventary, publicity, etc...)
Note: if you don't create a mails folder in your /themes/name-of-the-theme folder, don't forget to keep a copy from your modification, without that, your modification will be remplaced by the original fine each time you will upgrade Prestashop.
Demo: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/pr...tes/27467-minimalist-pro-email-templates.html
[Hidden content]
Perfect!!Thanks so much, great changes
A little trick to make your life easy...