v1.6-v1.7 Prestashop Product list attributes (combinations) 2.0.2


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Apr 26, 2022
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With this PrestaShop module you can display all available product combinations directly on list of products. So, with this feature customer can add selected variant of product to cart directly from list of products (product-list.tpl). Module allows to customize appearance settings.

Main idea of this PrestaShop module is a feature to dispaly list of all available attributes (product combinations) directly on products listings like category view, search results, manufacturers' products etc. In simple words - this plugin will display product combinations there where the list of product appears. Addon has several appearance options, so you can configure it to display informations you want.

Main features in the module
Main and the most important feature of the module is a possibility to display list of available product variations (combinations) on each listing of product. Each available option in the module is strictly related to this feature. So, below i will describe options available in the module. You can also display this module for products that do not have combinations - then it will display quantity field with add to cart button.

Appearance of table with attributes (combinations)
  1. You can enable / disable dropdown feature (display attributes inside dropdown list)
  2. You can eanble / disable feature to display combinations inside modal popup window (after pressing button "show product variants")
  3. You can enable or disable feature to automatically disable popup when customer will add product to cart
  4. You can enable / disable option to hide out of stock combinations
  5. You can hide selected combinations (created with defined attributes) on selected category pages
  6. You can enable / disable appearance of price
  7. You can enable / disable "color" column - it will show color attributes of combination
  8. If your combination will be discounted (dropped price) you can show original price (it will be striked to accent the discount)
  9. You can decide what kind of price you want to show (tax included / tax excluded)
  10. You can enable or disable feature that allows to "add to cart"
  11. You can enable or disable column with combination name (for example Size: s, color: red)
  12. You can enable or disable column with combination reference
  13. You can enable or disable column with combination barcode (ean13)
  14. You can enable or disable column with combination barcode (upc)
  15. You can enable or disable column with current combination's stock
  16. You can define additional description of attributes used in combination
  17. You can display or hide addition description of attributes
  18. You can decide what kind of add to cart process you want to turn on (AJAX cart or standard add to cart)
  19. You can enable or disable quantity field where customer decide what will be the quantity of product
  20. You can define default value of quantity field
  21. You can enable or disable appearance of product combination's picture
  22. You can select the size (type) of product image that module will show
  23. You can define description of attributes and show it in table
  24. You can enable option to add combinations to cart in bulk (one button to add all selected combinations to cart)
  25. you can display module for selected products only
Thank you very much its perfect !


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2019
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thank you very much bro it's very great!!!


Well-known member
May 3, 2021
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With this PrestaShop module you can display all available product combinations directly on list of products. So, with this feature customer can add selected variant of product to cart directly from list of products (product-list.tpl). Module allows to customize appearance settings.

Do you have the latest version 2.0.3?

It has the following updates:
- added improvements to module workflow for products without combinations
- quantity change field works correctly now if you want to control the stock


Dec 29, 2018
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thankjs friend for this share awesome.


Dec 19, 2021
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With this PrestaShop module you can display all available product combinations directly on list of products. So, with this feature customer can add selected variant of product to cart directly from list of products (product-list.tpl). Module allows to customize appearance settings.

Main idea of this PrestaShop module is a feature to dispaly list of all available attributes (product combinations) directly on products listings like category view, search results, manufacturers' products etc. In simple words - this plugin will display product combinations there where the list of product appears. Addon has several appearance options, so you can configure it to display informations you want.

Main features in the module
Main and the most important feature of the module is a possibility to display list of available product variations (combinations) on each listing of product. Each available option in the module is strictly related to this feature. So, below i will describe options available in the module. You can also display this module for products that do not have combinations - then it will display quantity field with add to cart button.

Appearance of table with attributes (combinations)
  1. You can enable / disable dropdown feature (display attributes inside dropdown list)
  2. You can eanble / disable feature to display combinations inside modal popup window (after pressing button "show product variants")
  3. You can enable or disable feature to automatically disable popup when customer will add product to cart
  4. You can enable / disable option to hide out of stock combinations
  5. You can hide selected combinations (created with defined attributes) on selected category pages
  6. You can enable / disable appearance of price
  7. You can enable / disable "color" column - it will show color attributes of combination
  8. If your combination will be discounted (dropped price) you can show original price (it will be striked to accent the discount)
  9. You can decide what kind of price you want to show (tax included / tax excluded)
  10. You can enable or disable feature that allows to "add to cart"
  11. You can enable or disable column with combination name (for example Size: s, color: red)
  12. You can enable or disable column with combination reference
  13. You can enable or disable column with combination barcode (ean13)
  14. You can enable or disable column with combination barcode (upc)
  15. You can enable or disable column with current combination's stock
  16. You can define additional description of attributes used in combination
  17. You can display or hide addition description of attributes
  18. You can decide what kind of add to cart process you want to turn on (AJAX cart or standard add to cart)
  19. You can enable or disable quantity field where customer decide what will be the quantity of product
  20. You can define default value of quantity field
  21. You can enable or disable appearance of product combination's picture
  22. You can select the size (type) of product image that module will show
  23. You can define description of attributes and show it in table
  24. You can enable option to add combinations to cart in bulk (one button to add all selected combinations to cart)
  25. you can display module for selected products only
thx bro for sharing this prestashop module.


Active member
Nov 26, 2021
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It´s not up to date, but it’s working very very well. I really appreciate your contribution, many thanks to you Anvar ;)


New member
Jun 8, 2022
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Muchas gracias por este tema, y comparte este módulo.


Active member
Apr 12, 2021
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With this PrestaShop module you can display all available product combinations directly on list of products. So, with this feature customer can add selected variant of product to cart directly from list of products (product-list.tpl). Module allows to customize appearance settings.

Main idea of this PrestaShop module is a feature to dispaly list of all available attributes (product combinations) directly on products listings like category view, search results, manufacturers' products etc. In simple words - this plugin will display product combinations there where the list of product appears. Addon has several appearance options, so you can configure it to display informations you want.

Main features in the module
Main and the most important feature of the module is a possibility to display list of available product variations (combinations) on each listing of product. Each available option in the module is strictly related to this feature. So, below i will describe options available in the module. You can also display this module for products that do not have combinations - then it will display quantity field with add to cart button.

Appearance of table with attributes (combinations)
  1. You can enable / disable dropdown feature (display attributes inside dropdown list)
  2. You can eanble / disable feature to display combinations inside modal popup window (after pressing button "show product variants")
  3. You can enable or disable feature to automatically disable popup when customer will add product to cart
  4. You can enable / disable option to hide out of stock combinations
  5. You can hide selected combinations (created with defined attributes) on selected category pages
  6. You can enable / disable appearance of price
  7. You can enable / disable "color" column - it will show color attributes of combination
  8. If your combination will be discounted (dropped price) you can show original price (it will be striked to accent the discount)
  9. You can decide what kind of price you want to show (tax included / tax excluded)
  10. You can enable or disable feature that allows to "add to cart"
  11. You can enable or disable column with combination name (for example Size: s, color: red)
  12. You can enable or disable column with combination reference
  13. You can enable or disable column with combination barcode (ean13)
  14. You can enable or disable column with combination barcode (upc)
  15. You can enable or disable column with current combination's stock
  16. You can define additional description of attributes used in combination
  17. You can display or hide addition description of attributes
  18. You can decide what kind of add to cart process you want to turn on (AJAX cart or standard add to cart)
  19. You can enable or disable quantity field where customer decide what will be the quantity of product
  20. You can define default value of quantity field
  21. You can enable or disable appearance of product combination's picture
  22. You can select the size (type) of product image that module will show
  23. You can define description of attributes and show it in table
  24. You can enable option to add combinations to cart in bulk (one button to add all selected combinations to cart)
  25. you can display module for selected products only
Thanks a lot my frien, this is the better place for share;)