Displays fixed sidebar on the left side with social media buttons.
Predefined social medias:
- Google+
- YouTube
- Flickr
- Tumblr
- VK
- WordPress
- Spotify
- Soundcloud
- Customize display (colors, monocolred mode etc.)
- You can set Your own display order and social medias You want to show
- Ability to add your own icons based on FontAwesome
- Ability to display this sidebar in the sticky footer position on mobile devices
- Ability to hide chosen icons or whole sidebar on mobile devices
- Mobile breakpoint is configurable and you can change it
- Responsive
- Friendly User Interface
v 1.3.1
- Changed install() and uninstall() functions to match current database table pattern
- Ability to remove icons in the new tab
- Ability to add your own icons based on FontAwesome
- Added new social medias: Whatsapp, LinkedIn
- Added option to hide chosen icons on mobile devices
- Added option to display this sidebar in the sticky footer position on mobile devices
- Ability to set mobile breakpoint by yourself
- Added new social medias: Instagram, VK, Tumblr, WordPress, Spotify, Soundcloud
- Added option to hide this sidebar on mobile devices
- Added “version checker†tab where you can check now if your module version is current one
- Checked compatibility with PS 1.7
- FontAwesome is now always loaded – to make it work with each theme
- Code refactor