I have tested this version (3.3.15)...
It's work with PrestaShop
Do not forget to have the
correct php settings for the
installation of the module !
Recommended PHP settings for 1.7 (p.20 of 24):
• magic_quotes_gpc = off
• memory_limit = 512M The more memory you have the better, but 512MB should be fine in
most cases for PrestaShop, however if you have large database with many products and heavy
traffic, it would need more.
• max_input_time = 300
upload_max_filesize = 50M Controls the upload maximum file size. (IMPORTANT!)
post_max_size = 50M Maximum data size allowed to uploaded, in megabytes. (IMPORTANT!)
• max_input_vars = 30000 You need this to be large as this is needed especially when you are
editing products or translations, and your server can timeout if you don’t have enough.
This is the best module of prestashop if you sell products who required weight, length, volume..
Thanks for sharing this module, really appreciate