QuickQuiz v1.3.4 - Download Online Quiz Script
Here are some of its most outstanding features:
Ten question types: single answer, multiple answers, sequence, matching, long answer, short answer, scales, rating, radio button matrix and graded matrix.
Different answer formats depending on the question type: buttons, checkboxes, radio, select, sliders…
Various display options: Number of buttons per line, aside or background images, primary color, etc.
Pages. We can create the entire exam on one or several pages and select the number of questions in each.
Video and audio. We can create a page with video or audio with questions displayed at certain times of playback. This option only works properly on the latest browsers and is supported by the Videogular library.
Various exams. The exam can be an exam, a self-assessment, a survey, a weighted or a personality exam.
Last message and / or feedback. Number of points, percentage of correct answers, etc. Depending on the last page, we may show different messages or images. We can also show messages that can be displayed alongside the question regarding the user's answers.
Database Results can be sent to a MySQL database.
Online builder. The final exam is created from two JSON files, one for general settings and one for questions that make up the test. This package includes access to a renderer to facilitate the creation of JSON files. You can see the renderer in the screenshots. Here you can see the founder in action.
Documents in English and Spanish where you can see all the available features.
File Password: www.phpscripttr.com
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