Module to restrict the carriers to display in the purchase process by zip code, city or districts (delegations or neighborhoods), indicated by the order shipping address.
What this module does for you
PrestaShop allows you to create shipping zones depending on provinces or states, but it doesn’t allow to state shipments by city, city district or zip code. Thanks to this module, you’ll be able to.
You can create two different carriers for the same province, each one with different costs. You can also restrict which carrier you want to deliver to each city in the province.
You can have different carriers in the same city, according to zip codes or districts. This way you can have one carrier for half of the zip codes and others for the rest of them. Both may have different prices based on the configuration you make for that carrier in your shipping zone.
You can divide a city into districts, delegations or neighborhoods, having the same shipping costs but different carriers, or you can have different shipping costs with different carriers for each district.
The module allows you to create several types of restrictions:
Postal Code Restriction:
You can select a carrier and stablish in which zip codes you want it to be available so that when a customer enters one of those zip codes in their shipping address, that carrier will be available in the purchase process.
Restriction by Cities:
You can select a carrier and set up in which cities you want it to be available so that when a customer enters one of those cities in their shipping address, that carrier is available in the purchase process.
Restriction by Districts (Delegations or Neighborhoods):
You can select a carrier and set up in which city you want it to be available and also in which districts of that city so when a customer enters one of those cities in their shipping address, they’ll get another dropdown menu to chose the district and if there is a carrier available, it will show during the purchase process.
This module, combined with PrestaShop's standard configurations for transport, will allow you to have any shipping option you need. You’ll have no limitations when it comes to configuring your store's shippings as you need them.
With these modules you’ll be able to hire local shipping agencies, which allows you to offer the best service in each area. You can also have special shipments within the city where your business is located, and be able to deliver to your own neighborhood, in the zip codes closest to your business.
Module to restrict the carriers to display in the purchase process by zip code, city or districts (delegations or neighborhoods), indicated by the order shipping address.