- MORE INFO: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/url-redirects/20864-seo-meta-tags-manager.html#specifications
- DEMO PS 1.7: https://amazzing.site/demos/ps17/en/
- DEMO PS 1.8: https://amazzingdemo.online/ps80/en/
- Bulk generate SEO meta tags for Products, Categories, CMS pages, CMS categories, Manufacturers, Suppliers
- Autofill meta tags on saving Products/Categories/etc...
- Bulk generate/update meta tags via CRON
- Configurable fields: meta title, meta description, meta keywords, friendly url, image legends (ALT tags)
- Multiple dynamic variables: {name}, {reference}, {category}, {manufacturer}, {supplier}, {description}, {description_short}, etc..
- Advanced ajax filtering and sorting
- Bulk autogeneration for all selected items
- User-friendly interface for selective editing of specific meta fields
- [+] New pattern variables: {isbn}, {upc}, {mpn}
- [*] Compatibility with PS 8.0+
- [*] Truncate long texts based on sentence endings
- [*] Minor bug fixes and optimizations