v1.6-v1.7-v8x Show Combinations Or Product Attributes In Product List V1.6.0 (Update 2023/24/04)


Dec 16, 2021
Reaction score
wau great module, hope it will work too


With this module you can easily display all product combinations directly in products list. Customer can even add selected variant of product to cart without view product's page. In module configuration, you can set lot of options and features.


Do you want to save time to your customers? Do you want to offer to your customers faster way to shopping in your store? You can allow them to choose product combinations directly from products list. Or, just display all products attributes in product categories or any other product catalog.
With this module, you can increase your sales, because your customer can add his favourite product variant to cart directly from products list. Your customer does not have to visit the product detail page because of it. For example, you can allow to show your customer available sizes or colors for each product, directly at home page products list. Also at products list of categories, search results products list or even in related products list. After customer choose any of combination on selected product, module automatically change thumbnail image to image which is set as default for selected combination. The same is apply also to product price and product old price after product combination is changed.
This module also support multistore.
In module configuration, you can set multiple display types of product combinations.
You can also allow to show "add to cart" button for each product in products list. Even you can display quantity input field, to choose quantity for each product or product combination.
If you are using custom template, you can set paths to your custom DOM elements in advanced settings.
