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Vamos a ver que tal funciona en PS 1.7 este modulo, gracias por compartirSuperTinyMCE PRO Addon specs here
- Editor Based on the latest version of the official TinyMCE 5 editor.
- Multi-language.
- Over 1000 new font families.
- Option to add custom font family.
- Option to add custom font sizes.
- Option to indicate by default the size and font family.
- Option to display the editor in text areas by ID name and by controller. Improves the compatibility to display the editor in modules developed by third parties.
- More additional plugins.
- Open link in a lightbox. (new)
- Alert popup when maximum word limit has been reached in content.
- Option to force to hide the editor in controllers and modules.
- New file manager system to browse the entire store directory.
- Option to use the FontAwesome 5 and Bootstrap libraries in the Back-office and Frontend.
- Option to browse from any store directory for the File Manager plugin.
- Option to use relative or absolute URLs.
- Option to customize the editor and insert custom CSS code.
- Very complete emoji plugin.
- Various skins available for the editor. Custom skins can be created.
- Predefined format styles.
- The bugs of the Prestashop default editor are fixed.
- Option to display the publisher in the contact form.
- The editor is displayed in the description of the CMS categories.
- Advanced configuration page from the Back-office.
- CSS editor with syntax function.
- Uninstall function without leaving a trace of the module.
- Compatible with modules that use the Prestashop default editor.
- Flickr: Plugin to insert images from Flickr.
- Readmore: Plugin to insert content with readmore function (Extend the content by pressing "read more").
- Flags: Plugin that shows a list of flags of all countries to insert them in the editor.
- Keyboard shortcuts: Plugin to configure keyboard shortcuts for the different editing elements.
- Code Mirror: Plugin to view the source code with syntax function.
- FileManager: Plugin to explore the files of the entire store directory or by specific folders.
- Youtube: Shows embedded youtube videos from urls.
- Font Awesome 5 icons: Insert Font Awesome 5 icons.
- Boostrap 5 icons: Insert Boostrap 5 icons.
- Twemoji: Insert Twemoji emoticons.
- Attribute editor: Edits the class, name and ID attributes of HTML elements.
- Text language: Indicates the lang attribute with the selected language in each text created.
- Mathematical formulas: Insert fully custom math formulas.
- Image from web: Upload and save images from web to insert into content.
- QR code editor: Edit QR codes.
- Power paste: Paste content keeping format and styles from external sources like Microsoft word.
- Grid Editor (Bootstrap 4): Grid container editor with Bootstrap.
- Grid Editor (Bootstrap 5): Grid container editor in Bootstrap.
- Tags for acronyms: Insert tags into the acronyms of the text content.
- Loremipsum Plugin: Insert Loreimpsum sample text.
- POWR Integration: Plugin that integrates elements created by the POWR platform. You need to create a customer account on this platform in order to use this plugin.
- Phone preview: Complement to visualize the edited content in mobile version.
- MathJax: Plugin for inserting mathematical symbols and fonts.
- Phone Link: Plugin to insert phone numbers in the link.
- Title case: Plugin to control the uppercase or lowercase of words.
We show the main places where the editor is displayed. However, it may be shown in other places and modules.
- Product catalog.
- Product categories.
- Manufacturers and suppliers.
- CMS page categories.
- CMS pages.
- Translation of email templates.
- Front-office contact form.
- In all the places where the Prestashop default editor is shown.
- Compatible with 99% editors used by thirty party modules.
The following PHP parameter settings are recommended:
memory_limit = 512M or higher
post_max_size = 64M or higher
upload_max_filesize = 64M or higher
Gracias por compartir, vamos a ver si funciona bien en Prestashop 8.2SuperTinyMCE PRO Addon specs here
- Editor Based on the latest version of the official TinyMCE 5 editor.
- Multi-language.
- Over 1000 new font families.
- Option to add custom font family.
- Option to add custom font sizes.
- Option to indicate by default the size and font family.
- Option to display the editor in text areas by ID name and by controller. Improves the compatibility to display the editor in modules developed by third parties.
- More additional plugins.
- Open link in a lightbox. (new)
- Alert popup when maximum word limit has been reached in content.
- Option to force to hide the editor in controllers and modules.
- New file manager system to browse the entire store directory.
- Option to use the FontAwesome 5 and Bootstrap libraries in the Back-office and Frontend.
- Option to browse from any store directory for the File Manager plugin.
- Option to use relative or absolute URLs.
- Option to customize the editor and insert custom CSS code.
- Very complete emoji plugin.
- Various skins available for the editor. Custom skins can be created.
- Predefined format styles.
- The bugs of the Prestashop default editor are fixed.
- Option to display the publisher in the contact form.
- The editor is displayed in the description of the CMS categories.
- Advanced configuration page from the Back-office.
- CSS editor with syntax function.
- Uninstall function without leaving a trace of the module.
- Compatible with modules that use the Prestashop default editor.
- Flickr: Plugin to insert images from Flickr.
- Readmore: Plugin to insert content with readmore function (Extend the content by pressing "read more").
- Flags: Plugin that shows a list of flags of all countries to insert them in the editor.
- Keyboard shortcuts: Plugin to configure keyboard shortcuts for the different editing elements.
- Code Mirror: Plugin to view the source code with syntax function.
- FileManager: Plugin to explore the files of the entire store directory or by specific folders.
- Youtube: Shows embedded youtube videos from urls.
- Font Awesome 5 icons: Insert Font Awesome 5 icons.
- Boostrap 5 icons: Insert Boostrap 5 icons.
- Twemoji: Insert Twemoji emoticons.
- Attribute editor: Edits the class, name and ID attributes of HTML elements.
- Text language: Indicates the lang attribute with the selected language in each text created.
- Mathematical formulas: Insert fully custom math formulas.
- Image from web: Upload and save images from web to insert into content.
- QR code editor: Edit QR codes.
- Power paste: Paste content keeping format and styles from external sources like Microsoft word.
- Grid Editor (Bootstrap 4): Grid container editor with Bootstrap.
- Grid Editor (Bootstrap 5): Grid container editor in Bootstrap.
- Tags for acronyms: Insert tags into the acronyms of the text content.
- Loremipsum Plugin: Insert Loreimpsum sample text.
- POWR Integration: Plugin that integrates elements created by the POWR platform. You need to create a customer account on this platform in order to use this plugin.
- Phone preview: Complement to visualize the edited content in mobile version.
- MathJax: Plugin for inserting mathematical symbols and fonts.
- Phone Link: Plugin to insert phone numbers in the link.
- Title case: Plugin to control the uppercase or lowercase of words.
We show the main places where the editor is displayed. However, it may be shown in other places and modules.
- Product catalog.
- Product categories.
- Manufacturers and suppliers.
- CMS page categories.
- CMS pages.
- Translation of email templates.
- Front-office contact form.
- In all the places where the Prestashop default editor is shown.
- Compatible with 99% editors used by thirty party modules.
The following PHP parameter settings are recommended:
memory_limit = 512M or higher
post_max_size = 64M or higher
upload_max_filesize = 64M or higher