Warehouse - Prestashop theme with elementor v.4.7.0
[PS 8.x] 4.7.0 - 19.02.2025
- Upgraded Bootstrap to version 5.3.3.
- Upgraded Swiper library.
- Upgraded Fontawesome to 6.7.2
- Added backward compatibility for Bootstrap 4 to ensure compatibility with the PS ecosystem.
- Upgraded Instagram integration to use the new Graph API token.
- Enabled auto-refresh for the Instagram token in the feed.
- New module: IQITPRODUCTVARIANTS – Associates product variants and displays them in the attributes section with an image preview.
- New module: IQITPRODUCTFLAGS – Adds custom flags to products, useful for running product campaigns.
- Upgraded dependencies.
- Upgraded development dependencies.
- Upgraded Revolution Slider.
- Fix in iqitadditnonaltabs module
- Possible to manually select posts in elementor
- Possible to also edit root product category with elementor
- Youtube shorts url suport in iqitextendedproduct and elementor
- Few other small fixes