All in one Webinar Plugin for WordPress
Host live and automated webinars right within your WordPress website without any third party services letting you focus on what’s important – reaching and growing your audience!Create a webinar in 10 seconds flat with just a couple of clicks – just give your webinar a title, choose the type (live, automated, recurring), configure the session time and you’re ready to go.
It’s that easy to create your webinar!
== Description ==
WebinarPress allows you to run webinars within your Wordpress website, and customize everything around it.
With WebinarPress you can organize live and automated webinars from within your Wordpress website, without any technical skills.
You can use the powerful livestream future of Google Hangouts on air, or any other prerecorded video from youtube, Vimeo or MP4 file.
You can interact with your attendees by letting them ask questions or raise their hands.
All the webinar pages are responsive, so visitors can attend a webinar from every mobile device or tablet.
You can collect a visitors credentials and export it as a csv or excel file.
WebinarPress also sends reminder emails if you want it to, which you can configure yourself.
== Installation ==
1. Upload the entire unzipped folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress admin panel.
You will find the 'WebinarPress' menu in your WordPress admin panel.
For basic usage, you can also have a look at the website:
Requires at least: 4.4.2
Tested up to: 6.1
Stable tag: 2.27.2
== Changelog ==
= Version 2.27.2 – 2024-03-13 =
- Registration Widgets issue fixed