WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin is a chat system which helps Marketplace Seller and the Marketplace Buyer to start the conversation. In this plugin, any buyer can start to chat with any seller.
Buyer can ask queries related to the product that seller is selling or any upcoming products information and seller can also reply to any buyer about their queries. A healthy conversation between a buyer and a seller leads to more sales conversions.
It is user-friendly and customizable, where the administrator can customize the theme of the chat window and user list.
== Installation ==
1. Upload `wp-marketplace-buyer-seller-chat` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. You need to have WooCommerce and Marketplace installed in order to get this plugin working.
Requires at least: 5.0
Tested up to: 6.1
Stable tag: 2.4.1
Requires PHP: 7.0
Tested up to PHP: 8.1
WC requires at least: 5.0
WC tested up to: 7.0
Marketplace requires at least: 5.0
Marketplace tested up to: 5.2
= v2.4.1 (2022-11-11) =
Added: Unread message count on seller and admin dashboard.
Added: Links for settings and docs on plugin listing page.
Added: Chat to selller option on View Collection page.
Added: Setting to allow chat with seller even seller is offline.
Fixed: Issue with starting chat server due to CORS policy.
Fixed: Issue in creating database tables on activation.
info: https://codecanyon.net/item/wordpress-woocommerce-marketplace-buyer-seller-chat-plugin/19393357