WooCommerce Memberships is a fully integrated online store solution with products and content. It is not only a plugin that provides distributed access to content, but also a complete solution that links the content of the website, store and user accounts.
WooCommerce Memberships allows you to organize a distributed access system without installing a bunch of additional extensions.
WooCommerce Memberships allows you to organize a distributed access system without installing a bunch of additional extensions.
- Sale or gift membership: tariff plan is generated regardless of merchandise. This ensures maximum flexibility of the distributed access system.
- Selling membership as a separate item
- Distributed access to content: means any content can be hidden from unregistered users.
- Set a tariff with a trial period
- Ability to create a free trial tariff
- Organize a discount system when buying a package
- Buy a registered membership
- Payment System
- Tax free can be used with registration
- For example, you can access content that hides it from people using a free tariff or a trial period
Demo: https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-memberships/Version 1.24.0 Released on 2022.11.30
- Require PHP 7.4 and WordPress 5.6
- Add Brazilian Portuguese translation, courtesy Renato Fiuza
- Add the `wc_memberships_rule_object_ids` filter so that translated products can be restricted correctly