Manage your WooCommerce store 10x faster Batch manage products, variations, customers, orders, coupons and more in easy spreadsheet interface. Stress free bulk update, export, advanced search and a lot more.
Requires at least: 4.8
Tested up to: 6.4.2
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 8.27.0
== Changelog ==
= v8.27.0 (21.12.2023) =
* Fix: 'Line Items' column not duplicating when using 'Duplicate Records' functionality in WooCommerce Orders dashboard on non-HPOS stores (Pro)
* Fix: 'Duplicate Records' functionality not working in WooCommerce Orders dashboard on HPOS stores (Pro)
* Fix: Modal dialog not getting displayed in some cases
* Update: POT file