![WooCommerce-Zapier-2-Way-Automation-Integration-500.png WooCommerce-Zapier-2-Way-Automation-Integration-500.png](https://www.nulledfrm.com/data/attachments/13/13791-d5b2cb7026c7342162eebbbca1fa43de.jpg)
Send your WooCommerce Order, Product, Customer, Coupon, Booking or Subscription data to 3000+ Zapier-enabled apps.
Or use Zapier to automatically create or update WooCommerce Order, Product, Customer, Coupon or Subscription data from a Zap.
Speed up your processes by letting Zapier do the work for you instantly.
Instead of making the same changes every time a new order comes in, a new customer makes a purchase or an order’s status changes, set up an automation once and let it run forever.
Never forget a step. Let one event in WooCommerce trigger multiple changes in multiple apps so you don’t miss a thing.
Take the necessary steps at critical moments. Reduce shopping cart abandonment by acting quickly on cancelled orders, follow-up with customers right after they purchase and more.
Efficiently notify the right members of your team – and only the right ones.
2021-07-23 - version 2.2.1
* Full details: https://om4.io/?p=20105
* Security: Automatically revoke all existing WooCommerce Zapier API Keys based on advice in https://woocommerce.com/posts/critical-vulnerability-detected-july-2021/.
* Change: Marked as compatible with WooCommerce 5.5. PR #474
* Change: Marked as compatible with WordPress 5.8. PR #474