== Description ==
WP-Lister for Amazon integrates your WooCommerce product catalog with your inventory on Amazon.
Requires at least: 4.2
Tested up to: 6.1.1
Demo: https://www.wplab.com/plugins/wp-lister-for-amazon/== Changelog ==
= v2.6.1 - 2023-10-18 =
* New: Added views for Locked and Unlocked listings
* Fix: Unable to parse FBA Manage Inventory reports due to the missing seller-sku column
* Fix: Make sure the out-of-stock threshold is of int data type
* Fix: Gather shipment rates from all active accounts
* Fix: Store the date_paid and ship_dates using the local time
* Fix: Skip variables (parents) when looking for listings with missing ASINs
* Fix: Missing dompdf autoloader
* Dev: Rotate logs on a daily basis
* Dev: Added back the AWS data directory