1.0.6 Logic change for location search. Originally wildcard was working in way: %term%, now this has been changed to term% ... means location will match just in case it starts with term.
This will fix issue when there is too many results matching and irrelevant are visible.
1.0.5 Optimized SQL queries related to subcategories to improve performance of search page.
1.0.4 Theme now fully supports URL masking plugin (custom oc-content folder)
1.0.3 Fixed design issue on Safari browsers (blur).
Various enhancements and minor issues fix.
1.0.2 Fixed home page category scrollbar.
Improved design of home page categories on mobile.
1.0.1 Fixed design bug for sellers without profile picture.
Enhanced few design aspects of theme.
Added option to define number of rows for home page categories.
1.0.0 Initial theme release