Search results

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    Anyone having Magetrend Responsive E-Mails Extension?

    If you have I would be more than happy to have it. It is very useful.
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    Can someone share if they hava MSI module for Amasty?

    MSI module is a must when you work with 1 stock products. Do you have it ?
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    Do you have Amasty Customer Attributes?

    Do you have amasty customer attributes ?
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    Anyone havin Amasty Google Optimizer for 2.4.0 ?

    If you can share the latest version compatible with 2.4.0 I wiould be more than happy. Thanx.
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    Anyone having Mageplaza Onestep Checkout M2?

    Thanks bro. Thanks a lot. That will save man people's life.
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    FireCheckout 1.24.0 - Swissuplabs [MAGENTO 2]

    How can we install it ? Couldn't find the way. Can someone help ? Where to put all these files ?
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    Can someone tell us how can we install swiss up extenions ?
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    Anyone having Mageplaza Onestep Checkout M2?

    Still needed :) This should be the best in the market
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    Magento 2 Magezon Page Builder

    If you are familiar with visual page composer you can use it more efficiently.
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    Anyone having Mageplaza Onestep Checkout M2?

    Hi, is there anyone having that extension for M2 ? I think it is much more usable than the other ones. If you can share I will be more than happy. Thanks
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    Amasty Shipping Rules 1.8 [ Magento 2]

    Can't see the attachment. Would someone put here ? Thanks.
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    Amasty Shipping Rules 1.8 [ Magento 2]

    You are great man! Thanks for the detailed explaination.
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    Magento 2 Customer Attribute Extension

    Well , it is very useful extension enabling registration to be customized. Please share if you have.
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    Magento 2 Custom Shipping Method 1.0.2

    Thanks. That was the extension I was looking for.
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    Magento 2 Mageplaza - Layered Navigation Pro v2.3.4 M2.X

    What is the diffference between the regular one? Does anyone using it?
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    v1.6-v1.7 Advanced Custom Fields for Prestashop

    Does anyone have the magento version of this script? Thanks.
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    Amasty Shipping Rules 1.8 [ Magento 2]

    Does anyone using this ? What is the difference between the shipping calculator.
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    Order Management extension for Magento 2-v3.8.3

    Awesome. That's great. Thanks for sharing.
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    Magefan Translate Plus Translation Extension

    Does anyone have Magefun Translate plus extension? It is very usable. If you can share I would be great.
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    Magento 2 Customer Attribute Extension

    Anyone having Amasty customer attibute extension ?