I think you should reply and be active to get points
They say we shouldn't... but I see no other way if we got nothing to share yet.Weird, so we should spam around? hm
pathetic, you have a publicly accessible forum to bait people and only after you register you block users from liking and downloading files. eat shit.You don't get stuff for free here, you need to earn it by contributing to the community - uploading/adding your own nulled scripts or ones that aren't currently available on nulledfrm, or by posting other useful content...etc
Read the forum info https://www.nulledfrm.com/threads/about-nullcash-system.8450/
yes you are right. that is way to earn nullcashI think you should reply and be active to get points
when I try to like a post to access a download file, a message says "Sorry, you need 11 NullCash to react to this content.".
It looks like I have 11 nullcash, but I cannot like a post...
Any way to solve it ?
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OK. When we are asked for XX nullcash, seems like we need XX + 1 nullcash